General Info Editing options that can be used in the borehole logs, can be done in both the windows app and web interface. In both interfaces the display has two sections. One section displays all the predefined options available (which cannot be edited by the user) and the custom per customer/account options. This means that… Read more »
Posts Categorized: Windows App
Not Directly Editable Columns
There are a few columns which are not directly editable and their segments are derived from other columns. These are: Sample Depth: The segments are derived from Sampling Columns additions Elevation: Segments are derived from Depth column and values are auto calculated depending on Z value of borehole.
Composite Columns
Atterberg Limits View Options When selecting the Atterberg Limits column from the column types, the following View Options window arises. The user has two options regarding the column representation and those are to be either Graphical or Simple. If the Show Plasticity/Liquidity Index boxes are marked, then these parameters will be visible to the log… Read more »
Drillysis Windows App
Drillysis Windows App is a windows based application that allows users to edit their borehole logs with an easy to use point-and-click interface. The windows app is a client to the Drillysis application. All data are stored centrally in Drillysis cloud service, however, using the windows app they can be edited in the immediateness and… Read more »
Edit Borehole Logs
Adding and editing investigation data in borehole logs in Drillysis Windows App is a really easy “point and click” process. It allows the user to edit the information and view the log output in real time. Insert Data in Column Double click on the column or Right click on the column → Edit or Edit… Read more »
Create a Borehole Log
Creating a new borehole log in Drillysis Windows App is a very easy process. It can be done in four easy steps and your log will be ready to enter your investigation data. 1 General – 1st Step Click on New icon on the toolbar or File → New (Ctrl+N). The New Project window appears…. Read more »